Sneakers always have a strong attraction to young people and especially sneakers from Louis Vuitton fashion house. Every Louis Vuitton sneaker comes with a powerful silhouette, all of which are worth looking at over and over again. And did you know, the current line of sneakers representing the LV house is the eclectic LV Trainer line of sneakers.

Inspired by classic basketball sneakers, the LV Trainer sneaker has never been out of fashion since appearing in Louis Vuitton’s Spring-Summer 2019 fashion show. Crafted from calfskin leather and accented by colorful details on the upper and outsole for a youthful, energetic look. LV Trainer owns a rubber sole with a rather sophisticated and special design, creating a creative highlight, and also providing more comfort during operation and movement. The outsole is further refined with the famous Monogram flower of the Louis Vuitton fashion house.

This is one of the legacy products designed by the late designer Virgil Abloh. It is not surprising that this product is the idea of a leader in the field of streetwear in the world. Louis Vuitton Trainer shoes have shown all their luxurious sporty beauty when appearing everywhere.
What sets the LV Trainer apart from other sports shoes worldwide is its impeccable material and quality. Perfected by the world’s leading designers of the Louis Vuitton brand. All stages and elements are sewn by hand and carefully checked before reaching customers.

Paired with Monogram Denim, thick velcro straps and a chunky rubber outsole, these stylish shoes strike a match in both style and quality. And a special thing is, you can easily find shoes in the color you like or match your outfits. Louis Vuitton Trainer has so many color combinations that it is almost impossible for me to tell you all.

Currently, the list price of the LV Trainer sneakers on its main sales website is about more than $1000 to nearly $6,000. That’s the price on the website, usually when it comes to your hands, the number will be much more terrible and sometimes you have to spend a price of 2, 3 times to own a pair of these shoes. This is a huge number not everyone can own for themselves. Of course, many followers are still willing to spend a lot of money to buy themselves a pair in their shoe collection. But is that the best option for your own economy?
With such an expensive price, owning this shoe model is not easy, especially for fashionistas with a limited budget. At this time, finding replica sneakers is the first choice. So how is the quality of these shoes and should you invest?
Replica sneakers are the most premium imitation with 1:1 pattern matching ratio and extremely high shoe quality. Although it has good quality, it has a much cheaper price, so it is very popular with sneaker fans. The replica Louis Vuitton Trainer Sneakers are up to 99% quality compared to the genuine one. They are manufactured in professional factories which make the shoes more durable. The accessories, tags, dust bag and especially the shoe box are exactly the same as when buying the original.

At RepGod, we specialize in researching and remaking the best quality replica shoes of famous brands in the world. with the desire to bring all shoe lovers around the world to own the most fashionable shoes at the most reasonable price. We only care for our customers, always trying to bring a variety of products in terms of brands, designs and colors to match the personality of all customers.